Perhaps Kerry Pieri is the epitome of the dynamic LEHHO Woman. To the public, she's known as the Digital Fashion Director at Harper's Bazaar, but to her daughter Lila, she's simply mom. And while it may seem like her schedule may be completely booked, Pieri puts creativity at the forefront by finding time to hone her skills as a visual artist. Below, she gives us a glimpse of her world:
Kerry is wearing the LEHHO Faro Cotton Poplin Skirt
1. What's your favorite thing about being an editor at Harper's Bazaar?
I love the constant sense of newness and the ability to champion emerging talent and small brands.
2. How do you describe your style?
I think we're all having a little bit of a style identity crisis right now, but overall while I am drawn to minimalism in design, I'm not a purist, and I just try to only wear and buy what I truly love.
3. You're a fashion director but seem to be creative in all realms of your life. Why do you find this important?
I think if you're a creative person then there are endless outlets for that creativity. I just started painting again a few years ago but I love it so much. I was a photography major in college and I always considered myself mostly a writer—but I think once you accept the idea that everyone is a "creator" in essence then the mediums can be infinite. Even being a mother is also being a creator—probably the ultimate creative act!
4. How do you describe your paintings and how do you think they reflect on your personality, experiences, and interests?
I try not to put pressure on myself with my paintings, if I feel like I'm judging them then I step away for a bit. I want painting to feel like pure expression of form and what I'm feeling and even the colors and textures that I'm drawn to or the music I'm listening to. I tend to judge myself a lot in other facets of my life so painting is an exercise in releasing that and creating something just for the sake of creation.

So so much. We paint together all the time and draw and take walks. Lila's new thing is that she wants us to tell each other stories, so it really makes you have to think outside of the box! She is always in a beautiful dream world, pretending that she's running a farmer's market, or that she's a snow leopard, it's so beautiful to watch and be a part of.
I can feel so much that Shinnhye infuses who she is into her pieces, which makes them so special. These are items I will keep my whole life. They're beautiful but they're also cool, which is a top priority!
