The Fall Winter 2018 Collection is inspired by Octave Mirbeau’s 1900 novel examining masters, servants, and morality. Period dramas and movies have fascinated today’s audience because of the visibly skewed social structures. Yet is the mistress, fragile and protected, free? Is the maid, reduced to a life of servitude but allowed to go outside and see the world, unfree?
This second collection is a playful examination of how clothing has traditionally been a social marker- the serving class is meant to have little identity, while carefully crafted pieces in indulgent fabrics were reserved for the waited upon.
Yet the LEHHO Woman is both master and servant. She dresses herself- choosing to remain discreet in sleek minimal coats or enjoying the public gaze in richly detailed dresses. The luxurious finish of each piece can be seen from the fabric selection to each stitch of the hand.
This collection is about choice, and the freedom that choice brings.